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Getting Older and Stuck in My Ways

When I was in medical school, rotations were usually 4-8 weeks long. Each time we started a new one, we were meeting new residents and attending physicians, trying to understand their expectations, personalities, new environment, sometimes new EMR, new clinics or hospitals. Everything was new all the time. Figuring things out was a constant. 

Once I graduated residency, new was infrequent. Same EMR, same consultants, same hospital system, and things became familiar. I adapted to the environment more fully. It feels comfortable like home. But... nothing lasts forever. Change has come.

Our group is employed by the owner of the hospital, AMG. Our boss is a hospitalist who works in our system. Our group was created to be lifestyle friendly. Out by 4 pm or so. Pager stops going off at 5pm. But AMG has now contracted with Sound Physicians to take over our group. What will this mean?! Change.

Forced change seems to inspire fear. Many are fearful. Forced change seems to inspire non-rational thinking as well. People are upset by the change, so some will leave our group and hospital. I don't understand that. If you leave, you get a new employer AND have to learn a completely new system, new consultants, new EMR, new everything. If you stay, the only thing that changes is the employer. 

The new group is basically the same as all the other hospitalist programs in town, and most in the nation. 12 hours shifts. Currently, we are 10, and it has been great. I think this will be the biggest change experienced. But again, you'd be forced to have that anywhere.

For me, I think the scariest thing is getting a new health insurance. The previous health insurance had not dictated care or refused to cover something my wife's doctors said she needed. It was doing what health insurance is supposed to do. Hopefully this change will be okay.

The overall theme for me has been, "Least amount of change possible." Is this just because I'm older and my mentality has changed? I find more pleasure in being "stuck in my ways"? I remember my grandfather never wanted to go to a new restaurant. Just wanted the familiar. I never wanted to become stuck in my ways. Maybe I should be embracing change. Maybe I should be excited for the newness?

I still really enjoy new places. New vacation spots, new restaurants, new golf courses, new hikes. I'd like to think I'm not getting stuck in my ways. 

Maybe I don't want work to change, because It's not pleasure. It's work. It's big and complex. Changing hospital systems would probably take a year or two to fully to adapt. That uses a lot more mental energy. Maybe I don't want change so more of my mental energy will be for life outside of work. The part I like more than work. 

Am I getting stuck in my ways?


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