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Showing posts from February, 2020

Post (5th) Surgical Update - How to wait.

My wife had her fifth surgery in 8 months. Calling it a surgery sounds like an exaggeration as it was trans-anal approach and involved a dilation and one small internal incision with a suture, but the pain is real. The incision is in the rectum distal to the dentate line. This means its innervated by the somatic nerves, not visceral. So that means the nerves are very good at telling you there is pain and where it is. It seems to be allowing her bowel to function better, but she’s 10 days into it and the pain is still severe, though hints of some improvement are visible. This journey has been far from the usual post-colectomy course. Most people get through this with two surgeries, but her body isn’t cooperating quite as hoped. There have been some major road bumps to get past. If I’m honest, it feels like life will never be anywhere close to normal agin. That’s how if feels. The feeling is so strong,  I’m not even sure that my brain can compute that the reality could be differen