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Showing posts from September, 2009

You still there, God?

When I proposed to my wife... it was easily the most spiritual moment in all of my life. God was there and blessed us as I took a step towards his chosen blessing in my life. His will, my amazing and beloved wife. I've never felt that much euphoria before or since. The other day, as life is heavier than its ever been... I've been in need of a more tangible God. As I drove around with no real destination in mind, I like to drive when I need to think... I found myself pulling up to the place where I had once felt the presence of God. When I sat down looking into the spot where I had given my life to God and to my wife, I felt God's presence again. Tears started rolling down my cheeks... and I spoke to God. He comforted me, and reassured me that he is with me. dngilb. ps. This is an update written months later... when I wrote the above, I kept it "safe" I didn't want to share to openly about how much I was hurting or what I was feeling, I was too afraid of

Dr. Gilbert can cure your hiccups!

The pathogenesis of hiccups isn't well understood. The treatments of hiccups with medicine in my opinion has proven to be very disappointing and cause many side effects. I however, have a little home remedy that has worked for me over the years. The success rate on myself is 100%... Vanessa tried it last night with great success as well. Here's how it goes: 1. exhale completely. 2. take a tiny sip of water and swallow. 3. repeat number two till you feel like you're about to die. 4. now you're cured of hiccups. Trust me... I'm a doctor. dngilb

Your life is not all about you.

"Your life is not all about you" was a status update that I wrote on Facebook. It was perhaps the most profound status update i've ever posted and I got zero comments and only one "like" by Emil, lead singer and the song writer behind one of the most majestic bands this region of the country has seen the likes of. Below are my thoughts regarding what underwhelming response I had to my "most profound" status update: First off, thank you Emil. I know you to be a poetic soul. I know not of your spiritual or political world views but that little digital image of a "thumbs up" speaks volumes. Second... I wonder why so little attention? Maybe people didn't understand what it means. Maybe they don't believe it to be true. Maybe they do get it, believe it to be true, but choose to ignore it and live for themselves. Third. "Your life is not all about you" is actually quite tame... its actually been watered down, because it leaves r

Waking up thinking of death.

People have a very unhealthy notion that life support and artificial nutrition is natural. Evidentally strokes don't kill people!... It's evil families who don't trach and PEGs that kill. America's concept of life and death is not keeping up with the advancements of medical technology, and at some point its going to lead to a crisis point... the so called "death panels". We have the ability now to eek out an extra few weeks or an extra few months past many individuals "expiration dates". 50 years ago, when someone had a massive heart attack, stroke, or metastatic pancreatic cancer the answer was. "I'm sorry there's nothing more we can do." The patient then died, and the family grieved the death of their loved one as natural causes took their family member away. Fast forward to now... Mom and dad have an identical heart attack or stroke... doctors say, "well, we could let nature takes its course or put a couple of tubes down h

Threatened and Insulted.

So today, I experienced the parts of being a doctor that suck. Cranky, stressed, scared family members retaliating on me for no good reason. Actually, today was Act II in this play. The first act occurred 3 days earlier. That confrontation in which I was insulted for no good reason led to a first. It was the first time that I made a decision for my patient that I didn't believe was the best thing for my patient. The patients wife's brother died the day before and she was too stressed out to think about her husband coming out of the hospital and going back to the nursing home. Usually, this is a pretty automated process from the stand point of the family member. They don't even need to be in the same state and it happens with diligence and care. But I gave in to their anger and aggression and agreed to holding the patient till the day after the funeral. The patient remained completely stable during the entire time and showed no signs of developing any nosocomial in