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Showing posts from March, 2013

A Child's Smile

My wife and I, yet to have our own children, perhaps had a glimpse of a future with two tween-aged daughters. The experience was much different than I had anticipated. We took Vanessa's sister with us for a California spring break. Preslie, now 12, is 18 years Vanessa's junior. She is a delightful child. Bubbly, positive, compassionate, tender, funny, and intelligent. My anticipation was that her bubbly energetic nature would supersede my capacity and leave me exhausted, wondering if I "had what it takes" to be a father one day. I believe this question remains unanswered, as the friends of our hosts had an equally charming daughter to whom Preslie took to quickly. Paris, age 14, and Preslie almost instantly became BFFs. (I try to know some of the lingo.) Though I didn't answer my original question, I received an unexpected insight. There is great joy and satisfaction in facilitating the happiness of a child. Vanessa and I provided this opportunity for Preslie