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New Year, New Me.

I’m not into New Year’s resolutions, but I have made a few changes in how I do things. And I must say, the greatest benefit thus far… Simply feeling the freedom and empowerment of self-decided change. Who do I want to be? How would I like to change? 

A little before the new year, a colleague started eating more than 90% vegan. He pointed me to some of the medical literature that influenced him. And I must say, it was compelling. I just saw my dad go through a coronary bypass surgery and I watch my patient’s suffer the consequence of what seems like natural aging, but may be more to do with lifestyle choices across a lifetime. So, since I started getting into the literature for a vegan lifestyle, I have now completed 53 days in a row as a vegan. 
And it feels great. It’s actually been fun! And my work weeks in the hospital are not as gloom filled. I have spent much less time face-to-face with my own mortality and future suffering. I feel like I finally have some power to dramatically increase my odds of being that amazing 90 year old who you see in an outdoor magazing who is summitting 14'ers!

The next change. Simple exercises. I have never been able to sustain efforts to go to the gym. There are just too many priorities that somehow choke out my efforts to pursue health in a gym. I gave up a year ago. But, now I’m coming to exercise from a new angle. I’ve simply added a daily regimen of body weight exercises. They are simple, I won’t “bulk up” but I can already appreciate an increase of strength. Best part… very very sustainable. I plan to expand it as the habit is developed and is less onerous.

The third and more recent change. A break from social media and news media. Man…. it. feels. GOOD. I will probably go back to Instagram, but gonna unfollow many accounts. Many. And I don’t have a torrent of negative propaganda being shoveled down my throat by news outlets pandering for ad clicks! The world is a better place.

Last change thus far. Consume less entertainment. Consume more LEARNING. Signed up for Great Courses Plus. $19.99/mo and a bunch of college styled lectures on topics of your choice by legit profs from around the nation. Learning! Expanding my mind! Also, I’m reading more. Finding stimulating educational podcasts. While it does take more effort than watching another episode of “The Office,” it has boosted my emotional state.

So, cheers to a new year! We are not forced to follow the current of culture. How do you want to change? Grow? Evolve? You don’t have to keep doing things the same way. You can self determine. You can choose who you want to be and then become that person through a series of repeated daily choices. You can do it too.


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